I would remember my family and that this is gods gift
By gods gift It means I would allow up to half of the after tax winnings to aid every member of my family ie sisters brothers cousins mom and dad if still alive. WITH NO STRINGS ATTACHED.
I would then take a quarter to set up a permanent income for my family to live comfortably,
The Last 1/4 would be use to form a non profit directly set to create health insurance for all.
It would be dedicated in memory to my dead parents,my uncle and my grandparents. As they gave me my value system.
This health insurance system would be 1/2 non profit half for profit. The for profit side would cover those whose jobs pay enough that they can afford to pay.
The non profit side would cover all medical needs at no cost of less fortunate and those who would have to choose between eating and seeing a doctor. It would directly offer housing to homeless by making arrangements with cities to use closed down schools and city offices and the homeless would do the needed repairs in exchange for room and board.
There would be childcare available so those homeless who still work can go
knowing their children are safe.
Yes it would be a Liberals dream come true as the republican concept of whats in it for me will be totally ignored.
I would make sure of this as I would oversee it.
I already give away my learned knowledge for free at All experts.com as well as here at,
AS Tbaarr Sees It
The way I thank god everyday is to help my fellow man, unlike conservatives who forget the words from the sermon on the mount.
When the rich man was told to give all he owned to the poor. I give my knowledge to aid my fellow man.
I wish all current winners happiness in their god given new fortune.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
What would you do if you won the powerball
trading patterns and balance transfer use
This is an All experts answer I recently gave
Ref the life of the loan transfers, I have found Bank of America and Discover and Elan are your best route. ANOTHER problem you have is that Citibank and chase and Bank of America seem to be unwilling to offer transfers that will pay off another card that is underwritten by them.
This problem can be addressed by having a small variable rate home equityline written by a no name bank like juniper or your local bank.
You then flip the transfer to the equityline and then go from the equityline to the card you need paid off.
AS for my investment I play leap calls on good stocks like ibm and cat.
I have tracked these stocks for years and have a good feel when they will run or drop.
recently I bought ibm leap puts symbol Wibmb in april for 900 a contract
and sold them in june for 980. If I had been willing to push the issue I would have gotten 1100 a contract
since ibm dropped from 125 to 115
I bought symbol wibah ibm leap calls at 840 a few days after I sold the puts
and with ibm at 118 and when Ibm hit 123 I sold them at 980
IF I Had pushed to Option expiration week I would have made 1100 a contract again. with Ibm at 129.
My conservative approach got me about 8% ea profit on these 2 trades so 16% total in a 3 month period.
I have tracked Ibm back 10 years and have seen a consistant pattern for it to drop around the end of may to june and then rise by aug 5.
the next traditional drop usually occurs in late aug thru oct 5 and then a rise occurs around or just before turkey day.
You may want to go to my blog
and go thru all my posts related to stock trading especially my playing quarters post.
BE AWARE I am a non supporter of the republican lie called trickle down so my posts on their party may offend you if you support their party.
AS for a nice bike, you may want to check out MY dresser. IT WAS owned by Larry Hagman, I have the docs to prove it.Shes for sale and a 500 finders fee will be paid to whoever brings me a buyer for my 22k price.
I suggest you watch cat in the next few weeks as it just dropped to its ex div day of 7 17 its low was about 4 bucks lower then on ex div day
Thats when the specialist accumulated stock that he then sold at a 4 buck profit to the unsuspecting sheep that reinvest their dividends.
That consistant trend is another I trade on.
The Trickle Down Economy Republican Lie
Recently the repubs have been backpeddling and laying blame on everyone but themselves,
They even had the gall to blame Greenspan for cutting the fed funds rate to 1%.
This is a perfect example of the two faced doublespeak lies that is the Repulican party.
Or does no one remember how the Bushboys stated that we should build a strong economy by borrowing at these low rates to stimulate our growth.
They also talked about a Faith Based economy.
Its funny how the repubs choose to ignore the basic fact that we are in the exact same recession that we were in during 1986-1988 under the last 2 term repub term.
With Reagan and Daddy bush leading us to the savings and loans failures and the resulting recession.
This failure occurred due to the so called republican tax cuts that were funded by cutting state funding.
The resulting property tax rises to offset the revenue loss coupled with the interest rate cuts, fueled a temporary real estate boom.
This happened both in 81-83 and in 2001 to 2003.
Then they stated the economy was so hot in 1983 and 2003 that interest rate had to be raised and that started the cycle of foreclosures.
As the speculators began to get stuck with properties they cant sell at a profit,they get foreclosed on or sell at a loss and are left with a balance owed that they must file Bankrupcy on.
And 3 years later all the foreclosed properties get dumped as the banks are forced to sell by federal law.
This causes the first of many major housing sale price drops which causes sellers with variable rate loans to lose their homes after their low starter rates disapeer.