Friday, May 23, 2008

FREE,the cheapest way to get your credit score

The cheap way is to apply for credit cards till you get denied

then you are entitled to one free copy of your credit report per year

the denial letter will give you the contact number for the credit rating institution they used.

You can achieve this same result by asking all your credit cards for a large credit increase.

1500- 2000 this will usually never get approved,

and now you have been denied credit and are able to get that one free report per year.

Or you can simply pay for one. NOT AN OPTION I WILL EVER DO.

Call your credit card company and ask them for the customer service number of the credit reporting agency they use.

This way costs around 8- 15 bucks

I am not sure anymore as I always get mine for free


I also never pay those credit finder outfits that offer a free report

as the fine print will get you ripped off 90% of the time.

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